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January 17, 2007

more automation

in the spirit of ballofsnow's megui-like batch files for sda, i've created a similar xvid.bat. this batch uses the vdub.exe command line driver to encode xvid videos loading m1.vcf, m2.vcf and l.vcf -- mq first pass, mq second pass and lq third pass, respectively.

the input syntax for this batch varies slightly from the others due to the need to insert LQ in varying places in the filename depending on whether the run is segmented or not. to help me remember it (and to speed up master batch creation), i've also created a generic.bat.

Posted by njahnke at January 17, 2007 10:59 PM


Have you tried encoding through xvid_encraw.exe?

Posted by: ballofsnow Author Profile Page at January 21, 2007 2:40 PM

hmm, never used that before. how do you use it, and how is the audio handled? i'm quite pleased with doing it through vdub, btw. fast and reliable.

Posted by: nate Author Profile Page at January 21, 2007 3:42 PM

You can use MeGUI to generate a command line. Set up a job with Xvid, do not use automated 2-pass, start then cancel the job, look at the log and copy the command line. Same with Lame.

Here are examples:

xvid_encraw.exe -i "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.avs" -pass1 "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.stats" -bitrate 512 -kboost 100 -ostrength 15 -oimprove 15 -odegrade 15 -overhead 0 -vhqmode 3 -qpel -gmc -closed_gop -lumimasking -max_bframes 3 -bvhq -threads 1

xvid_encraw.exe -i "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.avs" -pass2 "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.stats" -bitrate 512 -kboost 100 -ostrength 15 -oimprove 15 -odegrade 15 -overhead 0 -vhqmode 3 -qpel -gmc -closed_gop -lumimasking -max_bframes 3 -bvhq -threads 1 -avi "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.avi"

bepipe.exe --script "Import(^test.avs^)" | lame.exe -b 64 --cbr -h --silent - "E:\Fraps Incoming\test.mp3"

Posted by: ballofsnow Author Profile Page at January 21, 2007 5:58 PM

are there any advantages to sidestepping vdub?

Posted by: nate Author Profile Page at January 21, 2007 6:10 PM

Probably not. I still haven't found a good command line muxer for avi/mp3. :(

Posted by: ballofsnow Author Profile Page at January 21, 2007 6:27 PM

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