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January 17, 2007

flickerbat ii

more work on the deflickering problem followed the previous entry.

working together through most of the night, grenola and i shot ideas back and forth that culminated in a new avisynth function, nate_retard_bob_2(). this function corrects the "blur polarity" problem discussed at length in the previous entry by maintaining a consistent aspect ratio in clip processing. changing the aspect ratio was resulting in the top half of the output having more or less blur than the bottom half.

additionally, the new function includes a sharpen() invocation to (at least superficially) recover some of the original quality in the output. this trick works best on very clean (i.e. dvd) source material. when used on material that was recorded using vhs, it tends to only draw out the many problems with such a picture.

inspired by this productive night, i streamlined my generic-v.avs (from which all other avisynth scripts for sda are made), collecting some other blocks of interdependent code into functions i can more easily enable and disable as required.

nate_retard_bob_2() is available as a part of generic-v.avs.

Posted by njahnke at January 17, 2007 9:27 PM


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