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July 6, 2006

final settings for h.264 encoding

i use x264 and megui. maybe can put up profiles later. for now:

lq: reduction to d4 where applicable
reduction to f2 (3d games) or f3 (sprite based games) where applicable
automated two pass 128 kbps
min quantizer 17
audio: le-aac cbr 64 kbps

mq ("normal quality"): reduction to d4 where applicable
reduction to f2 (3d games) or f3 (sprite based games) where applicable
automated two pass 512 kbps
min quantizer 17
audio: le-aac cbr 64 kbps

hq: automated two pass 2048 kbps
min quantizer 17 (d4) 19 (d1)
audio: le-aac cbr 128 kbps

iq: automated two pass 5000 kbps
min quantizer 17 (d4) 19 (d1)
audio: le-aac cbr 320 kbps

in case the average bitrates for hq and iq are the same, iq will be overwritten by hq, keeping the hq name.

Posted by njahnke at July 6, 2006 2:46 PM


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