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March 23, 2007

generic.avs grows stronger

tonight i finally got automatic (well, almost) d working in generic.avs (the script from which all other sda scripts are created).

just set "false" to "true" on line 7 to enable d1 (d4 is default). pal autodetection remains in from the last version, which i can't remember if i posted here or not. change "false" to "true" on line 23 to enable the statid (after you've finished filling out the trim(), for example).

additionally, you'll need to change all occurrences of "dx" to your project name, which should be the same as your index and ac3 basenames. you also may need to change your drive letter (i use p: for my project drive). finally, watch out for the path to the sda logo pngs in the statid subroutines (and, obviously, the LoadPlugin()s at the very top!). all the other options from lines 10-19 depend on the input video source and desired output quality.


Posted by njahnke at March 23, 2007 12:31 AM


Is the use of silence_stereo_48000.wav necessary or does it just make it easier for you?

Posted by: ballofsnow Author Profile Page at March 26, 2007 1:10 PM

had an issue with normalizing the statid (even when already appended to the run!) whereby its silence would become a 100% volume waveform. the result was very audible pops before and after the statid. you can hear this on one or two very old runs; i recall an re4 run being one of them. there was no solution except to make a separate silence file and use that instead of having avisynth generate silence. of course because i am not normalizing anything anymore (due to vhs becoming moribund and a bug in normalize() that occasionally causes the audio to totally drop out) i can probably get away from it now; thanks for pointing it out.

Posted by: nate Author Profile Page at March 26, 2007 2:13 PM

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