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June 16, 2006
snow ftw
using the following avisynth script (last line's the only relevant one):
AC3source(MPEG2source("C:\re4\1\re4_1.d2v"),"C:\re4\1\re4_1.ac3") BilinearResize(640,480).Crop(0,0,0,470).AddBorders(0,0,0,10) assumeframebased.complementparity
... i've managed for the first time to see the difference between the latest method of deinterlacing in use (the leakkernelbob avisynth plug-in) and actually ordering the fields so they appear in progressive order in an f2 (half interlaced framerate, full progressive framerate) clip.
i was expecting this new (reordering) method to come out on top, but i was mistaken:
cswap.PNG (new)
deint.PNG (old)
for reference, leakkernelbob was called as follows:
while the two methods offer quite similar results, there seem to be more interlacing artifacts in the field swapping/reordering method, especially if you look at the ladder and leon's hair. while i'm not entirely sure what to attribute these artifacts to, i suspect they might have to do with how this video was captured (lossy mpeg-2 compressed file from dvd recorder). leakkernelbob gets rid of these artifacts somehow during the course of its operation, apparently.
i'm encouraged by this result, not only because it reaffirms my current methodology, but also because a constant f2 is not something i can necessarily count on in sources.
Posted by njahnke at June 16, 2006 2:19 AM
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