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April 30, 2006
jade empire
here's the avisynth script i'm using to process the jade empire run (using the new leak kernel deinterlacer provided by ballofsnow):
clip=avisource("C:\je1.avi")clip.BilinearResize(640,480).Crop(0,0,0,470) ¬
.AddBorders(0,0,0,10).LeakKernelBob(order=1 ¬
jade empire is interesting in that the framerate varies so wildly, all the way from f1 to f3 or even less. i continue to be satisfied with the results provided by the leak kernel deinterlacer, even given the difficult and unpredictable frame duplication present in this game.
Posted by njahnke at April 30, 2006 6:17 PM
Why are runs encoded with borders? Wouldn't it be better if they were cropped? More screen filled with the image, less CPU for encoding/decoding, less size / more quality...
Codecs usually handle best 16x16 images. Other sizes hurt them a little, but a black border hurts them more (the black can be stored with few bits, but the border itself is hard to encode, unless it happens to be aligned exactly at an 8x8 boundary)
Perhaps for some reason you want 640x480 always?
Posted by: Anonymous at May 2, 2006 8:54 AM
i used to crop, but it was a pain, and when i found out about how it hardly takes any bytes to encode just black, i stopped (i guess i care less if it's cpu time and not my time). also helps guarantee you can play the video and have it look right on a tv screen. stuff done through the gbp is still cropped, though.
Posted by: nate at May 2, 2006 6:25 PM
Speaking of cropping, the 1st segment of AJs Hard 10% on Zero Mission still has the right side of the GBP border present (HQ version, don't know about the low and normals)
Posted by: MatrixTN at May 2, 2006 8:43 PM
whoa, how did that happen? :( it's right on the mq and lq ... now i have to recapture that run again! well, the quality ought to be better with my new dvd recorder method, anyway, so i guess that's one benefit. thanks for reporting this.
Posted by: nate at May 3, 2006 10:00 AM
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