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January 27, 2006

r.i.p. d.v.d. ii

this time i'm stopping everything, so the data dvd service as well as the old video dvds will no longer be available.

this comes after the rousing success of our new host, which should ensure download speeds near or at the maximum of a given connection for new and popular runs. the greater use of bittorrent will also help people on poor connections get things more reliably.

i simply cannot justify making the data dvd service available any longer after all the time and money it has cost me, and especially how it has proven to be more of a hindrance than a help to the site. maybe someday, when we find someone as dedicated as we (radix and i) are to help with the site, data dvd duties could be assigned to them, but for now, i'm through with it.

and as the site grows more popular, the video dvds, which i was able to use as a source of income for the site only thanks to the obliviousness or the kindness of the game companies, make less and less sense. i can no longer ignore their capability to harm the site if some company hostile toward their existence finally gets wind of them, and orders have once again slowed to a trickle on top of that.

i apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. if you had your heart set on a specific video dvd, you may contact me via email, and i'll see what i can do.

Posted by njahnke at January 27, 2006 1:32 PM


Curious question: if we request a DVD, would it be made? Or is this totally over, and the last bit of the post is geared only towards previously on-DVD DVDs? For example: if I requested a DVD of the Ocarina of Time run, could it or could it not be made?

Posted by: Hex at February 5, 2006 6:09 PM

iirc, that dvd did not exist. thus, it would depend on how much you were willing to pay me and whether originals to the run exist.

Posted by: nate Author Profile Page at February 5, 2006 7:57 PM

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