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January 4, 2006

just a quick note

to show this pic of v5 in its environment:


just brought the raid online, so that's ~480 gig of space at 2x normal speed. still no word on pal capture; been having enough hell as it is trying to keep capture working with all the crap hp installs on their machines. i'll probably wipe it tomorrow and install the 64-bit windoze xp, and i'll be done with those problems ... and probably create entirely new ones for myself.

Posted by njahnke at January 4, 2006 7:47 PM


So no progress on the elite wonder huh? I'm thinking that even if PAL works the card will only do those 2 standard resolutions/frame rates since I still can't get it to budge on that. That kinda bothers me so I'll be getting a NVIDIA card as soon as possible and just capture sound with the sound card. I don't think I'll be really losing quality since it's just for game captures, it's not like I'm decoding DVD's and other weird sources. If only they would release a damn AGP card.

Can't get enough of that wonderfull Duff, or something, hehe.

Posted by: The_Pro Author Profile Page at January 8, 2006 6:09 PM

haven't had a chance yet to try the gbpvr force country fix, but i have reason to believe it will be successful. things have been really crazy ... sorry for letting you down like this.

and yeah, looking forward to capturing some h.duff stuff off crap analog cable tv using the filters in the tv wonder elite. i can no doubt annihilate the other people trying to post caps of her tv appearances on the internet. :P

Posted by: nate Author Profile Page at January 8, 2006 6:23 PM

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