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December 17, 2005
no change
just got the tv wonder elite. thought i would do some quick tests comparing it to the old aiw in v4 (my old 1.1 ghz athlon) before i get v5 (the new sda beast), which, incidentally, just shipped today, almost a week early. because the free printer i got with the computer arrived in two days (with free shipping) and now this, i am under the impression that hp is nimble, especially unbelievably so now during the height of the holiday season. then again, maybe i'm playing captain kirk to hp's scotty - they promise me a build date for the computer of 23 december, and then they ship it on the 17th. go miracle worker. anyway, here's hoping v5 comes before i leave for my parents' on the 24th; otherwise, i'll have to wait until i get back on the 27th to take it out of the box.
as for the tests, here's the old all-in-wonder and here's the new tv wonder elite. radix was able to distinguish that the gradient from black to blue on the left side of the image is smoother with the tv wonder elite, but with those filter settings on the tv wonder, it looks like i will be neither gaining nor losing any quality going to the new card. very good news, considering the plan b was $200 more expensive.
Posted by njahnke at December 17, 2005 2:18 PM
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