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September 15, 2005
it begins
recapturing tape 1 of 2 of the 0:55 now.
it's a surprisingly, abnormally bright tape ... during calibration i had to turn the brightness all the way down to 135 - that's 50% of the normal correction (usually 138, with 128 as the default), my "one-size-fits-all" solution so that i don't have to recalibrate the brightness for every single run i get. i guess i was unwittingly quite lucky to have her back in the days of the dv bridge with its permanently weak brightness pickup.
the picture looks spectacular ... way better than i'd hoped. also, i don't have to go through the receiver to lower the audio level, which is great news, as well. i wish there were something i could do for her that would make her feel as good as i do right now because of how perfect her stuff is. i mean, this isn't like, "oh, this run would be perfect IF ..."
this run is perfect. period.
Posted by njahnke at September 15, 2005 7:49 PM
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