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September 11, 2005

another productive day

finished capturing all of the runs in the queue today, as well as recapturing the final run in the 'tertiary group' (runs already on dvd but needing recapturing) - d.darch's single-segment 1% in fusion (dvd #001).

everything should be imported into imovie and ready for encoding by this time tomorrow: approximately five to ten dvds will be appearing soon with most of the recent content from vhs, as well as a redone #001.

i am eagerly anticipating finally recapturing scarlet's 0:55 100% tomorrow in the first step toward the #003 special edition dvd set. this blog will probably turn into 'scarlet central' in the coming weeks as my focus shifts from capturing and encoding new runs to working on her dvds. the number of ideas i have for it is already quite insane, and tons of stuff always pops up while i'm working on projects like it, so it ought to be a blast. this should be the most awesome thing i have created in my entire life: success is a foregone conclusion when i am this enthusiastic.

also today radix discovered the lost 'divx data files location' option in the 'advanced' settings of divx 6 - it had been 'lost' since divx 5 - but, unfortunately, even setting it to a different location did not allow me to successfully run more than one multipass job at a time, as every instance of virtualdub always crashed with a divx out of bounds memory access violation at the end of the job. radix recommended running the vdubs as different users to try to mitigate this, but i'll have to play with it some other time.

Posted by njahnke at September 11, 2005 9:46 PM


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