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August 27, 2005
d1 versus d2 audio
just learned the avisynth syntax for joining multiple files today:
clip = avisource("file1.avi", "file2.avi")... and so i used it to join all of the smilingjack13 hard 22% files (most with one segment per file) (the reason i do this is so i only have to process the audio once, rather than once per source file).
unfortunately, as i was marking the segment boundaries for the five divx passes in the appended mess in vdub, it sounded as though the audio was getting progressively further and further behind. will have to check out one of the final files to verify this, but if true, it would mean that i would have to process the audio twice for such projects - once for the dvd master (d1) and once for the divx master (d2 (field split via avisynth)). most times that wouldn't be much of an issue, but for complex audio with lots of normalization false positives (i.e. loud cable tv programming wedged between segments, loud pops from pesky vhs hardware), it will be a pain.
my theory is that the d1 audio didn't match the d2 frames because the d2 appended mess's framerate was calculated all from the first file's framerate by avisynth, and i guess the later files had a slightly slower framerate than the first one did. perhaps the new tbc will help with this.
Posted by njahnke at August 27, 2005 1:14 PM
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