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February 1, 2009

no more musical chairs

i forgot to put the segments of the rosenkreuzstilette run in proper order before making the verification-stage avisynth scripts: segment 8 was actually segment 5, and segments 5-7 all had to move up one. it sounds simple enough, but there is no way to rename everything in situations like this without having at least one file have a temporary name. and if it's me doing the renaming i will often second-guess what i am doing halfway through the operation because i am ocd like that.

so i cooked up a quick perl script to just give every file in the directory a temporary name and then rename everything back based on a transformation rule. the old segment numbers are the keys of %rehash and the values are the new numbers. i use %files to remember what the names used to be after the files are given their temporary names. i made the temporary names random (with a check to make sure they're unused) since i may have more than one copy of the same file in the directory (so renaming them to their md5 hash or something is out).


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#nathan jahnke 

my $natename = 'rks';
my $thedir = "/p/${natename}";
my %rehash = ( #old, new
my %files;

my @files = readdir(P);

for (@files) {
	if (-f "${thedir}/${_}") {
		my $newname = &newname;
		system('mv', '-nv', "${thedir}/${_}", "${thedir}/${newname}");
		$files{$newname} = $_;

for (keys %files) {
	my $newname;
	if ($files{$_} =~ m/^${natename}-v-(\d+)\.(.+)$/) {
		my $segnum;
		$segnum = $1;
		$segnum = $rehash{$segnum} if $rehash{$segnum};
		$newname = "${natename}-v-${segnum}.${2}";
	} else {
		$newname = "${files{$_}}";
	system('mv', '-nv', "${thedir}/${_}", "${thedir}/${newname}");

exit 0;

sub newname {
	my $retvar = '';
	while (-e "${thedir}/".$retvar) { #try until we get a unused name
		$retvar = &random;
	return $retvar;

sub random {
	my $retvar = rand(1);
	$retvar =~ s/^0\.//;
	return $retvar;

Posted by njahnke at February 1, 2009 6:13 PM


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